Rovers after an exhausting bike trip to the USA.

Rovers is a scouting program for young adults aged 18-26 with the widest range of independent service and adventure of all sections, extending beyond all borders.

One of the main projects is our multiweek international service trip, planned and executed every 2-3 years. For example, in 2017, we traveled halfway around the world to Nepal to help plaster a small village’s elementary school and teach first aid, water safety, and English.

During the rest of the year, activities include expeditions by a variety of transportation methods (bike, hike, kayak), blood donation, archery tag, coffee tours, social potlucks, and workshops of many varieties. All under the guidance of advisors, Rovers is about developing new skills, friendships and attitudes while giving back to the community. Are you ready to start “paddling your own canoe?”